Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Modal Auxiliarie

Modal Auxiliaries adalah kata kerja bantu seperti akan, mungkin, bisa, dapat, harus, akan, digunakan untuk, perlu digunakan dalam hubungannya dengan kata kerja utama untuk mengekspresikan nuansa waktu dan suasana hati. Kombinasi membantu verba dengan verba utama menciptakan apa yang disebut frasa verba atau kata kerja string.Kata kerja jenis ini adalah kata kerja yang membantu verbs (kata kerja) menyatakan beberapa arti seperti KEWAJIBAN,KEMUNGKINAN,IJIN,KEMAMPUAN (sesuatu yang merupakan keharusan)

1. Apa itu Modal Auxiliary Verb?

kata kerja tersebut antara lain can, could, may, might, will, would, shall (biasanya dalam Inggris British), should, must, dan ought to disebut ’modal auxiliary verb’ (kata kerja bantu modal). Mereka digunakan sebelum infinitive atau kata kerja lainnya, dan menambah makna tertentu. Need, dare, dan had better kadang juga bisa digunakan seperti modal auxiliary verb.


* ( ? ) MODAL + S + V1

Can she do the test?
Will we go to the hospital?

* ( + ) S + MODAL + V1

She can do the test.
We will go to the hospital

* ( – ) S + MODAL NOT + V1

She can’t do the test.
We will not go to the hospital.

* ( ? ) MODAL + S + V1

Can she do the test?
Will we go to the hospital?

Contoh kalimat :

1. Will
a. Expressing a certainty (Mengungkapkan kepastian)
Contoh : We will come to her party. I promise.
b. Expressing a Willingness (Mengungkapkan Keinginan)
Contoh : There’s a knock on the door. I will open it.
c. Expressing a request (Mengungkapkan permintaan)
Contoh : Will you help me?
2. Must
a. Expressing a necessity (Mengungkapkan keharusan)
Contoh : You must do everything I say.
b. Expressing a Prohibition (Mengungkapkan larangan)
Contoh : You must not break the school rules.
c. Expressing a Certainty (Mengukapkan kepastian)
Contoh : John must be upset. He failed in the final test.

3. Should
a. Expressing an advisability (Mengungkapkan saran)
Contoh : We should do something now.
b. Expressing a Future Certainty (Mengukapkan kepastian di masa depan)
Contoh : They should be there tomorrow.

4. Can

a. Expressing an Ability (Mengungkapkan Kemampuan)
Contoh : I can do the test.
b. Expressing a Possibility (Mengungkapkan Kemungkinan)
Contoh : He can be in the class now.
c. Expressing a Permission (Mengungkapkan ijin)
Contoh : You can leave me no.

Contoh Soal :

1. I don’t have enough money to buy lunch. ____ you lend me a couple of dollars?

A. May B. Could C. Shall

2. That ice is dangerously thin now. You ____ go ice-skating today.

A. mustn’t B. might not C. would mind not to

3. It’s way past my bedtime and I’m really tired. I ____ go to bed.

A. should B. Bought C. could

4. He ____ have committed this crime. He wasn’t even in the city that night.

A. might B. shouldn’t C. couldn’t

5. You seem to be having trouble there. ____I help you?

A. Would B. Will C. Shall

Sumber: http://belajarbahasainggrismandiri.blogspot.com/2009/08/pelajaran-63-modal-auxiliaries.html http://jimwarner.wordpress.com/2009/06/24/modal-auxiliary-verbs-kata-kerja-bantu-modal/

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